Storage Capacity Analysis on a Model of Human Associative Processing, HASP


While traditional associative memory models cannot resolve one-to-many associations, HASP can resolve such associations by mutually inhibitory networks. Since the mutually inhibitory networks can also eliminate crosstalk noise, the storage capacity of HASP will increase.

In this paper, the storage capacity of HASP is analyzed. As the result of analysis, it is shown that when key and associative vectors are sparsely coded, storage capacity of HASP is more than twice the capacity of heteroassociative networks hitherto proposed. Since the number of connections of HASP is just twice the number of connections of heteroassociative networks, the performance overwhelms that of heteroassociative networks with the same number of connections as HASP.

Tech. Rep. of IEICE, NC-94, No.129, pp.41-48,1994-06
Last modified: Thu May 27 14:30:07 JST 1999