
川村 正樹 (PY) *, 岡田 真人**,$

* 山口大学 理学部
** 理化学研究所 脳科学総合研究センタ 脳数理研究チーム
$ 科学技術振興事業団 さきがけ研究21 協調と制御領域


The mechanism of correlated firing has been analyzed in various models. However, its function has not been discussed enough. We discuss dynamics of a neural network with correlated noise in order to analyze effect of the correlated noise. Because of the correlated noise, the correlation between neural inputs cannot be ignored, and then behavior of the network has sample dependence. In this report, we will show stochastic transition from a memory state to a mixture state by the correlated noise.

キーワード: correlated noise, stochastic transition, associative memory model, sample dependent

日本神経回路学会 第14回全国大会, 京都, pp.106-107, 2004

State transition by correlated noise in a neural network

Masaki KAWAMURA *, Masato OKADA **,$

* Faculty of Science, Yamaguchi University
** Brain Science Institute, RIKEN
$ "Intelligent Cooperation and Control," PRESTO, JST

JNNS2004 Kyoto, pp.106-107, 2004.
Last modified: Wed Jun 8 14:18:54 JST 2005