
川村 正樹 (PY) *, 山名 美智子**, 岡田 真人***,$

* 山口大学 理学部
** (財)電力中央研究所 情報研究所
*** 理化学研究所 脳科学総合研究センタ 脳数理研究チーム
$ 科学技術振興事業団 さきがけ研究21 協調と制御領域


We discuss a theory of spike correlation in a recurrent neural network with common inputs. In this case, the self-averaging is broken in the thermodynamic limit. We have succeeded in deriving a macroscopic description of the dynamics as a recurrence relation form of a probability density function.

キーワード: associative memory, correlated firing, synfiring, dynamics

日本神経回路学会 第13回全国大会, 東京, pp.128-129, 2003

Theory of spike correlation in a recurrent neural network

Masaki KAWAMURA *, Michiko Yamana **, Masato OKADA ***,$

* Faculty of Science, Yamaguchi University
** Communication and Information Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
*** Brain Science Institute, RIKEN
$ "Intelligent Cooperation and Control," PRESTO, JST


We discuss a theory of spike correlation in a recurrent neural network with common inputs. In this case, the self-averaging is broken in the thermodynamic limit. We have succeeded in deriving a macroscopic description of the dynamics as a recurrence relation form of a probability density function.

keywords: associative memory, correlated firing, synfiring, dynamics

JNNS2003 Tokyo, pp.128-129, 2003.
Last modified: Wed Jun 8 10:12:12 JST 2005